Islam Indonesia - Indonesia is the country that is predominantly Muslim only. testify that the god of his god and the prophet Muhammad sent messengers. there are many traditions to commemorate the goodness of the prophet Muhammad including reading al barzanji every Monday and Friday night. in the month of rajab in the year of the hijri always commemorating the birthday of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, it became one proof of love for the great prophet Muhammad.

We Love Prophet Muhammad 

prophet muhammad lovers
prophet muhammad lovers

prophet muhammad lovers
prophet muhammad lovers

prophet muhammad lovers
prophet muhammad lovers

prophet muhammad lovers

prophet muhammad lovers

Indonesia Love Prophet Muhammad Daily Activity 

Prophet Muhammad taught us about good behavior, behavior towards parents, behavior towards children, behavior to teachers and behavior to peers. Muhammad's commendable behavior that made Islam spread throughout the world, with its miracles.

in Indonesia there are many grandchildren of the prophet Muhammad who always loved the prophet. by celebrating his birthday and imitating the prophet's commendable behavior.

The picture above is one of the documentation during the anniversary of Prophet Muhammad as a messenger of Allah. Islam Indonesia


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