The birthday of the Prophet Muhammad is Observed With a Public Holiday in Indonesia 2019/2020
The birthday of Prophet Muhammad was celebrated with public holidays in the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia. And also known as Maulidurrasul, this holiday date is based on the Islamic calendar. The Mawlid Prophet fell on the 12th day of the third Islamic month of Rabbi al-Awwal. Prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca, in 570 M. A brief history of the Prophet Muhammad, Muhammad's childhood was quite calm, but he lost his mother to illness in 576 M. After the death of his mother, Muhammad was cared for by his uncle, named Abu Talib. Abu Talib cared for the prophet Muhammad to adulthood. Traditions in Indonesia are numerous on the birthday of the prophet Muhammad SAW, becoming an annual tradition held in big cities including the holy city. The package of commemorative events varies from region to region, by offering prayers of the Prophet Muhammad at mosques, fields and other crowded places. One of the biggest maulid rituals in Indonesia is in the holy city, by holding